In addition, we released 2 new Pokémon: Tauros (Fighting) and Toedscool! The update introduces StormySea, which got a graphical improvement.Pikachu is a Pokémon capable of tercrystallization.New city: “Mepoli”, and two new routes.Noelia and Enamorus will now be at level 30.In the Green Tower now you won’t find many Smolivs anymore and it’s in the dark.Nemi and level debuffs from your Pokemon.Added Pokémon: Koraidon, Fidough, Cetitan, Wooper Paldea, LEAK GIRAFARIG EVOLUTION, Girafarig, Mankey, Primeape.Pokemon Footprints can be imported and exported.Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Hisui Red DescriptionĪ firered hack based on the upcoming titles “pokemon scarlet and violet” Features Pokemon Icons can now be imported and exported. The importing and exporting of the animations from Emerald are handled better than in Advance Series. The format is the same as Advance Series. Pokemon sprites can be imported and exported. Eventually I will have to come back and optimize things.) (Loading of all the Pokemon data seems slow now.

Bulbapedia is wrong when it comes to the Pokedex data.Īdded the item use animation (FR/LG) bytes to the Pokemon Editor.Īdded editing of the in battle sprite positions. I will make it show where the sprites will be onscreen once I figure out the formula for it. I made it so that the Pokedex tab shows you how big the sprites will be in the size compare. Even though I feel they should be seperate I mainly added it because I want Pokedex data to be included when you export Pokemon Data. I've added a Pokedex tab to the Pokemon Editor. I fixed the Pokedex data editor because it seems it wasn't loading some data properly. It is now handled better than in older versions. Attacks, Abilities, and Pokemon can be exported and imported as inis.

Improved importing and exporting of data. When an offset is missing from the ini, PGE will now dump text to a file named errors.txt letting you know what offset is missing and for what ROM. I advise not using G3HS to add more Pokemon. Unlike G3HS, cries and other things are expanded correctly by PGE. If any problems occur with the Pokemon adder please let me know. I made it add Pokemon the same way that it's done in DoesntKnowHowToPlay's tutorial in order to remain consistent with what others may have already done. The Pokemon adder works for English Fire Red. I still have yet to port the hack to Emerald. I've completed Jambo51's move table hack for Fire Red and made it so the Attack adder installs it. There are a lot of new things in this version. I was away for a month or so without internet.